Three Hundred Tang Poems, Volume 1
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- Publication date
- 2006-10-14
- Usage
- Public Domain
- Topics
- chinese, tang, poem, poetry, li bai, du fu, wang wei, wang changling, wei yingwu, meng haoran, cen can, cantonese, mandarin, hokkien, taiwanese
- Language
- zho
- Item Size
- 457.2M
LibriVox recording of Three Hundred Tang Poems, Volume 1, in the public domain.
The LibriVox catalog page for this work lists the authors, the titles in English and the LibriVox readers. There are also links to the texts in Chinese and English. The Tang Dynasty (618 to 907) was a golden age of Chinese culture: religion and philosophy, painting and calligraphy, sculpture, architecture and music all reached peaks of perfection. Poetry was the epitome of the arts: a scholastic requirement, a route to fame, a moulder of character. Nearly 50,000 poems of the Tang have survived. The collection 'Three Hundred Tang Poems' was compiled around 1763. It comprises six volumes, with poems grouped by verse form. Volume 1 covers the 'ancient verse' style in five-character lines (poems 1 to 35), and 'folk song style verse' (36 to 45). The masters Li Bai, Du Fu and Wang Wei are well represented here. Recordings in this volume are in Cantonese, Hokkien, Mandarin and Taiwanese, as indicated in the titles; some are spoken, others are sung. (Summary by David Barnes) For more information on LibriVox, or to volunteer, please see: M4B format available
The LibriVox catalog page for this work lists the authors, the titles in English and the LibriVox readers. There are also links to the texts in Chinese and English. The Tang Dynasty (618 to 907) was a golden age of Chinese culture: religion and philosophy, painting and calligraphy, sculpture, architecture and music all reached peaks of perfection. Poetry was the epitome of the arts: a scholastic requirement, a route to fame, a moulder of character. Nearly 50,000 poems of the Tang have survived. The collection 'Three Hundred Tang Poems' was compiled around 1763. It comprises six volumes, with poems grouped by verse form. Volume 1 covers the 'ancient verse' style in five-character lines (poems 1 to 35), and 'folk song style verse' (36 to 45). The masters Li Bai, Du Fu and Wang Wei are well represented here. Recordings in this volume are in Cantonese, Hokkien, Mandarin and Taiwanese, as indicated in the titles; some are spoken, others are sung. (Summary by David Barnes) For more information on LibriVox, or to volunteer, please see: M4B format available
- Addeddate
- 2006-10-14 20:35:27
- Boxid
- OL100020512
- Call number
- 441
- External-identifier
- urn:oclc:record:1378281838
- External_metadata_update
- 2019-03-27T23:06:24Z
- Identifier
- 300_tang_poems_vol_1_librivox
- Identifier-storj
- jvc6zshoj6yhytvagxcktq5akt4a/
- Ocr
- ABBYY FineReader 9.0
- Ocr_converted
- abbyy-to-hocr 1.1.11
- Ocr_module_version
- 0.0.14
- Page_number_confidence
- 0
- Page_number_module_version
- 1.0.5
- Ppi
- 600
- Run time
- 2:12:11
- Taped by
- LibriVox
- Year
- 2006
richard kell
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
November 4, 2006
Subject: tang poems
Subject: tang poems
As a self taught beginner (started learning mandarin three years ago) the audio files which I've just found are a valuable resource, four lines five characters each are just right for when you've got a few dozen words under your belt and desire to branch out. Tang poetry deserves to be better known in the West.
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